

Ep86: Jeff Rojas

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with photographer + author, Jeff Rojas

The Angry Millennial
Ep86: Jeff Rojas
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Jeff is a photographer and author based in New York City. His primary body of work includes portrait and fashion photography that has been published in both Elle and Esquire. Jeff also frequents as a photography instructor. His teaching experience includes platforms like CreativeLive, WPPI, Photo Plus Expo, Imaging USA and APA.

In this episode, we chat about having his mother being the most amazing creative he's known with her realistic drawings, dropping out college studying to be an aerospace engineer, and his move to NYC to switch to a career in data recovery. However, the death of a co-worker pushed him to the realization nothing is guaranteed, causing him to quit + pursue his career in photography. Being part of CreativeLive had a profound effect on him in terms of the business structure behind the amazing platform, writing his Photographing Men book, and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep84: Tamara Lackey

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with Nikon Ambassador, speaker, + host of the reDefine Show, Tamara Lackey.

The Angry Millennial
Ep84: Tamara Lackey
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Tamara is the recipient of the 2015 WPPI/Rangefinder Humanitarian Award for her work as co-founder of Beautiful Together, a non-profit supporting orphaned children living in challenging situations. Her first instructional book for professionals, The Art of Children’s Portrait Photography, has been translated into seven languages. Her latest books are Envisioning Family: A Photographer’s Guide to Making Meaningful Portraits of the Modern Family and The Posing Playbook, a children's posing guide.

We chat about how we met at WPPI, her studying Art History + Broadcast Journalism in college, the importance of her business chops coming from her first job out of college helped her photo work, her work with Heart Gallery + the world of adoption including her own adopted children, being part of Nikon's Behind The Scenes Series, being a CreativeLive alumni across various programs,  and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.

This episode is brought to you by:

BorrowLenses's mission is to advance the photographic and cinematic dreams of their customers by delivering superior, cutting-edge gear and providing exceptional customer service. Rent, shoot, return - it's as easy as that. You choose what you want, when you want to receive it, and for how long you want to rent it for. They ship the gear directly to you, or to one of their many convenient pick-up locations.


Ep80: Colin Smith of PhotoshopCAFE

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with PhotoshopCAFE Founder and aerial photographer, Colin Smith.

The Angry Millennial
Ep80: Colin Smith of PhotoshopCAFE
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Colin is a Photoshop guru starting out as a graphic designer to aerial photographer + author of over 19 books. Colin is a regular columnist for Photoshop User Magazine. He's been featured as a speaker at major industry events including WPPI, Siggraph, PMAI and Flash Forward.

We chat about how we met randomly in line at WPPI, being part of WPPI so early on during Skip Cohen's tenure, his early teaching days with teaching photographers how to transition from film to digital, his early start as in with Voice magazine, being a CreativeLive alumni from the very early days, and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

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Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep74: Dixie Dixon

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with Nikon Ambassador, speaker, + commercial fashion photographer, Dixie Dixon.

The Angry Millennial
Ep74: Dixie Dixon
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Dixie Dixon is quite an amazing testament to how hard work, shooting all the time, and networking can catapult your career like hers has in just six short years. After winning a contest in college to go to WPPI on a scholarship, she met with the Head of Marketing of Nikon, which led to her shooting a camera campaign for them shortly after and later becoming a Nikon Ambassador.

We chat about her involvement in the latest Nikon D5 campaign, how studying aboard in London through a Syracuse University program and assisting some of the European greats helped launch her career. Like most AM guests, Dixie has been on CreativeLive for fashion lighting as she grew a following around her style work. We talk about how through a commercial career you quickly realize how to give honest upfront feedback to your team to make sure no one wastes their time and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.

This episode is brought to you by:

BorrowLenses's mission is to advance the photographic and cinematic dreams of their customers by delivering superior, cutting-edge gear and providing exceptional customer service. Rent, shoot, return - it's as easy as that. You choose what you want, when you want to receive it, and for how long you want to rent it for. They ship the gear directly to you, or to one of their many convenient pick-up locations. 


Ep71: Michael Anthony of ClickGear Clothing

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with photographer + ClickGear founder, Michael Anthony.

The Angry Millennial
Ep71: Michael Anthony of ClickGear Clothing
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In this episode, we chat about learning photography at a young age and wasting grandma's Polaroid film, moving to NYC the day after high school graduation, his vision for the ClickGear brand, the importance of goal-setting and having aspirations, going to Seattle for CreativeLive + getting to meet past guests Chase and Kenna, being a photographer in a smaller market and no longer feeling like creatives have to be in big markets like NYC or LA with technology and social media, struggling in a previous job in insurance dealing with having to deny people coverage who really needed it that led to bouts with depression and drinking and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.

This episode is brought to you by:

Digital Transitions is the largest provider of high-end digital solutions in the United States. They specialize in the sales, rentals, training and support of both new and used digital backs from Phase One and Mamiya Leaf. They continually research and invest in resources that allow them to meet the many demands of their clients. They work behind the scenes to make sure you are working efficiently so you get the most out of your Medium Format investment.

Click the above image to see how you could join the Digital Transitions team as the new Head of Design, Web + Social Media as well as see the MANY discounts Digital Transitions is giving away to AM listeners!


Ep70: John Lee Dumas of EOFire

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're doing something a little bit differently than usual. Recently we've sat with John Lee Dumas, host of the wildly successful daily podcast, Entrepreneur on Fire, EOFire. Since it was a short 25 minute interview, we decided to just drop it in on a Wednesday episode and Jessica + I will be back next week. 

The Angry Millennial
Ep70: John Lee Dumas of EOFire
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In this episode, we chat about growing up in Maine before moving on to warmer climates, how his time deployed in the military helped re-frame his perspective on life, how transitioning into residential real estate helped give him a taste of what entrepreneurship was like, making sure he had a 1.5 year runway to start going 100% with EOFire, the amazing support system of having Kate in his life, what it was like having Tony Robbins himself on his show, his worst interview with a guest reading off a paper, asking tough questions about his critics who think he gives enough free content to hook people into an expensive program, being a CreativeLive alumni and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep69: Tara Gentile

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with lifestyle entrepreneur + CreativeLive's Profit. Power. Pursuit podcast host, Tara Gentile.

The Angry Millennial
Ep69: Tara Gentile
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In this episode, we chat about her Quiet Power Strategy on selling yourself without selling yourself, struggling with the inevitable imposter syndrome, agreeing with Gary Vaynerchuk's jab, jab, jab, right hook mentality but argues throwing more right hooks early on can set the tone for how you run your business, the fear of letting down employees that now are under her entrepreneurial umbrella, what it was like saying no to CreativeLive for a craft class in hopes they'd bring her on for something else building that relationship into 6 courses on the platform and even a 30-day bootcamp How To Build a Standout Business, how no one ever talks about positioning in regards to marketing your business, our decision to change the weekly format to a 3-day a week show, the importance of paying attention a lot, her girlcrush on Tina Fey, and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep59: Gary Swart

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with former oDesk (Now called Upwork) CEO + partner with Polaris VC, Gary Swart

The Angry Millennial
Ep59: Gary Swart
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In this episode, we chat about meeting a few years back at CreativeLive's Secrets of Silicon Valley event, what it's like working in an early-on startup, a bigger company, and even a big conglomerate, how important it is to see which is a good fit for you, the shift in the workplace to working remotely in the new gig economy of today, what it was like helping so many freelancers create more steady streams of income, having oDesk become a case study at Harvard Business School, passing up on being employee #3 at Netflix, how important his wife's support has been in embracing taking big risks, and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep54: Skip Cohen

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with President + Founder of Skip Cohen University + photo industry journeyman, Skip Cohen.

The Angry Millennial
Ep54: Skip Cohen
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In this episode, we chat about struggles with school and staying in college, his long journey of a career from working at Polaroid washing bottles in their research lab, to working his way up through customer service to soon get an offer to become the President + CEO of Hasselblad, then moving onto Rangefinder Publishing, Inc. overseeing Rangefinder Magazine as well as the ever-growing WPPI show in Vegas. Like many past guests, Skip is also a CreativeLive alumni from 2012, why other creatives should never be your competition, what it was like co-authoring over 6 different books and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


This episode is brought to you by:

BorrowLenses's mission is to advance the photographic and cinematic dreams of their customers by delivering superior, cutting-edge gear and providing exceptional customer service. Rent, shoot, return - it's as easy as that. You choose what you want, when you want to receive it, and for how long you want to rent it for. They ship the gear directly to you, or to one of their many convenient pick-up locations.


Ep36: Renee Robyn

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we have our first return guest! And who else is it than the Crude Canuck, photographer + digital artist Renee Robyn, whom many of you remember from our launch at PhotoPlus last year. Coming up this week, you can come meet Renee at the SmugMug booth Tuesday, March 8th @ 12 Noon, and a Platform class on Wednesday, March 9th @ 8 AM.

The Angry Millennial
Ep36: Renee Robyn
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We chat about the difficulties of being a woman in photography with a large following, the crazy shooting process behind her amazing SmugMug video with multiple locations + riding through the rain up mountains in the freezing cold, her upcoming two-day workshop on CreativeLive (view her original PhotoWeek one here), why we love Kylo Ren's Undercover Boss episode, taking the big leap to go to her first WPPI four years ago, the ethos behind delayed gratification, recovering from brain injuries and a bad motorcycle accident, and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep31: Kenna Klosterman - Part 2

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we chat with CreativeLive Lead Host + photographer, Kenna Klosterman.

The Angry Millennial
Ep31: Kenna Klosterman - Part 2
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In this second part of a two-part episode, we chat about the real physical effects of depression, dealing with + healing chronic pain, practicing Awareness Meditation, perfecting time management to help others by being 'selfish', finally finding happiness in her career with CreativeLive, taking the risk of walking away from her photo business to go 100% at CL, the importance of hosts in shows and platforms like CL, crushing on photojournalists, Ami Vitale + Lynsey Addario, her photo work with the people of Cuba, and lots more on this part one episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep30: Kenna Klosterman - Part 1

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we chat with CreativeLive Lead Host + photographer, Kenna Klosterman.

The Angry Millennial
Ep30: Kenna Klosterman - Part 1
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In this first part of a two-part episode, we chat about her beginnings at CreativeLive which include volunteering for over a year before becoming Employee #08, the rarely acknowledged stigma behind Ivy League education, adjusting to being a industry rock-star getting recognized at all conferences + expos, the boom of online education, getting broken up with over e-mail in the early 90's, dealing with anxiety, depression, + ruts while working in the corporate world and as an artist, and lots more on this part one episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep21: Taking Risks, Making Art

I can honestly say this is the most organized + well thought out Thursday episode of The Angry Millennial, so guess that's a good way to end the year and kick off 2016!


Taking a look back on this 2015, I reflect on having a job I once liked then lost, learning to be selfish by putting on my oxygen mask on first before helping others, taking risks + following up with the Rule of Eight, making art when you're uninspired to help get you out of those dark times, learning to be confident (you are more talented than you realize), and to always pay it forward and much more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

The Angry Millennial
Ep21: Taking Risks, Making Art
0:00 / 0:00

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Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep19: Chase Jarvis - Part 2

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we finish our chat with Chase Jarvis - photographer, director, co-founder & most recently CEO of CreativeLive, the huge online education platform that has been hard to ignore since it's inception five years ago.

We had the opportunity to sit down with Chase in the CreativeLive studio in Seattle for an amazing two hours and this is the 2nd part of that great conversation. This episode we chat about the contest I won to first meet Chase over two years ago, taking the plunge to go to PhotoPlus two days after the launch of the podcast, deciding when to take on a team for your photography business, the stigma behind not having kids + his HONY experience, how meditation has helped him balance his huge workload, what it's like being on a plane every 2.5 days for the last three years and much more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

The Angry Millennial
Ep19: Chase Jarvis - Part 2
0:00 / 0:00

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Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep18: Chase Jarvis - Part 1

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we chat with Chase Jarvis, photographer, director, co-founder & most recently CEO of CreativeLive, the huge online education platform that has been hard to ignore since it's inception five years ago.

We had the opportunity to sit down with Chase in the CreativeLive studio in Seattle for an amazing two hours, asking all the questions we never really heard Jarvis talk about. This episode is actually the first in a two-part series we'll be doing, where we chat about the real estate boom in Seattle, his early UK trips growing up, the small beginnings of CreativeLive, forecasting booming iPhone app trends like Instagram, never comparing yourself to others, being a hyphenate and much more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

The Angry Millennial
Ep18: Chase Jarvis - Part 1
0:00 / 0:00

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Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep16: NYC, Arm Wrestling, + Chase Jarvis

The Angry Millennial
Ep16: NYC, Arm Wrestling, Chase Jarvis
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On this episode of The Angry Millennial, I chat about the craziest two weeks thus far for the podcast (NYC, Seattle, Philadelphia, + Baltimore), what it's like getting to sit with Chase Jarvis, Chase's D90 video years ago, arm wrestling Chris Sullivan, what motivates me as an artist, and what these two months have meant to me + my life, and much more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep14: Magazine Work + Photo Competitions

The Angry Millennial
Ep14: Magazine Work + Photo Compeitions
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On this episode of The Angry Millennial, Stevie + I chat about a topic that people on Twitter mentioned wanting to hear about regarding submitting to magazines and photo competitions.

We chat about ways we justify the madness, how sometimes risks pay off pretty well + get you an invite to CreativeLive, what some successful pro's views are on the subject, and much more on this 15 min short episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show or suggest topics you want to hear on Thursday episodes!