time management


Ep31: Kenna Klosterman - Part 2

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we chat with CreativeLive Lead Host + photographer, Kenna Klosterman.

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In this second part of a two-part episode, we chat about the real physical effects of depression, dealing with + healing chronic pain, practicing Awareness Meditation, perfecting time management to help others by being 'selfish', finally finding happiness in her career with CreativeLive, taking the risk of walking away from her photo business to go 100% at CL, the importance of hosts in shows and platforms like CL, crushing on photojournalists, Ami Vitale + Lynsey Addario, her photo work with the people of Cuba, and lots more on this part one episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.