PhotoPlus Expo


Ep91: The Importance of Backing Up Your Work with Jeremy Cowart + G-Technology

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're doing things a bit differently with previous guest, Jeremy Cowart, coming on to talk about the topic of backing up your work. G-Technology was a great help in putting together this episode, so a very big thanks to everyone over at G-Technology who also was generous enough to give us a 500GB G-Drive ev RAW to giveaway to a lucky listener!

The Angry Millennial
Ep91: The Importance of Backing Up Your Work with Jeremy Cowart + G-Technology
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Jeremy is a commercial portrait photographer based out of Nashville, TN. He has taken portraits of many familiar names such as Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, Tim Tebow, The Kardashians, Sting, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Heidi Klum, Gwyneth Paltrow, Emma Stone, Courtney Cox, and Ryan Seacrest, just to name a few. Clients include ABC, FOX, A&E, F/X, Discovery Channel, ESPN, People, US Weekly + more. His work has been published in Rolling Stone, ESPN Magazine, People Magazine, USA Today, Fast Company, NYTimes, TIME, Nylon and more.

In this episode, we start off chatting about what he's been up to since we last spoke at PhotoPlus last year with shooting, SEE University, + his latest endeavor, The Purpose Hotel, which just launched on Kickstarter yesterday and you can learn more about in the video below! We also talk about our good friend, Chase Jarvis' video about his backup workflow with G-Tech products, horrible hard-drive failures we both experienced, how he makes sure to seat-belt his G-Drive on the way home from his studio and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.

Congrats to Scott Hubbard for winning our G-Technology G-Drive ev RAW giveaway!

Click here to see Scott's work + say congrats!

This episode is brought to you by:

BorrowLenses's mission is to advance the photographic and cinematic dreams of their customers by delivering superior, cutting-edge gear and providing exceptional customer service. Rent, shoot, return - it's as easy as that. You choose what you want, when you want to receive it, and for how long you want to rent it for. They ship the gear directly to you, or to one of their many convenient pick-up locations.


Ep86: Jeff Rojas

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with photographer + author, Jeff Rojas

The Angry Millennial
Ep86: Jeff Rojas
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Jeff is a photographer and author based in New York City. His primary body of work includes portrait and fashion photography that has been published in both Elle and Esquire. Jeff also frequents as a photography instructor. His teaching experience includes platforms like CreativeLive, WPPI, Photo Plus Expo, Imaging USA and APA.

In this episode, we chat about having his mother being the most amazing creative he's known with her realistic drawings, dropping out college studying to be an aerospace engineer, and his move to NYC to switch to a career in data recovery. However, the death of a co-worker pushed him to the realization nothing is guaranteed, causing him to quit + pursue his career in photography. Being part of CreativeLive had a profound effect on him in terms of the business structure behind the amazing platform, writing his Photographing Men book, and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep42: WPPI + Zach Sutton

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're recording from WPPI in Vegas, chatting with Profoto sponsored editorial + commercial photographer, Zach Sutton

The Angry Millennial
Ep42: WPPI + Zach Sutton
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In this episode, we chat about his love for moving to new markets every few years to keep his portfolio fresh, his upcoming trip to the Philippines, being a drawing prodigy early on in life, the feeling all photographers feel after a few years about wanting to give back, the amazing story of Zach giving me $100 bill to network at Photo Plus in NYC last year, the patience behind attracting sponsors to seem like an overnight success and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep36: Renee Robyn

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we have our first return guest! And who else is it than the Crude Canuck, photographer + digital artist Renee Robyn, whom many of you remember from our launch at PhotoPlus last year. Coming up this week, you can come meet Renee at the SmugMug booth Tuesday, March 8th @ 12 Noon, and a Platform class on Wednesday, March 9th @ 8 AM.

The Angry Millennial
Ep36: Renee Robyn
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We chat about the difficulties of being a woman in photography with a large following, the crazy shooting process behind her amazing SmugMug video with multiple locations + riding through the rain up mountains in the freezing cold, her upcoming two-day workshop on CreativeLive (view her original PhotoWeek one here), why we love Kylo Ren's Undercover Boss episode, taking the big leap to go to her first WPPI four years ago, the ethos behind delayed gratification, recovering from brain injuries and a bad motorcycle accident, and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep27: Networking is Bull*%#t

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, I chat about that four letter word that comes easy to some but way harder for others: networking.

The Angry Millennial
Ep28: Networking is Bull*%#t
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I chat about why in a social media age, just a face-to-face interaction can set you apart from the crowd, surrounding yourself with the smartest people possible, making platonic friends in your 30's, how seeing someone enough times will get you the opportunity just by being there, telling people why they should have a podcast, how going out of my comfort zone and doing things like PhotoPlus Expo, Startup Soiree, and other events have exponentially helped my journey with the podcast and other work on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.