
Ep86: Jeff Rojas

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with photographer + author, Jeff Rojas

The Angry Millennial
Ep86: Jeff Rojas
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Jeff is a photographer and author based in New York City. His primary body of work includes portrait and fashion photography that has been published in both Elle and Esquire. Jeff also frequents as a photography instructor. His teaching experience includes platforms like CreativeLive, WPPI, Photo Plus Expo, Imaging USA and APA.

In this episode, we chat about having his mother being the most amazing creative he's known with her realistic drawings, dropping out college studying to be an aerospace engineer, and his move to NYC to switch to a career in data recovery. However, the death of a co-worker pushed him to the realization nothing is guaranteed, causing him to quit + pursue his career in photography. Being part of CreativeLive had a profound effect on him in terms of the business structure behind the amazing platform, writing his Photographing Men book, and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep84: Tamara Lackey

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with Nikon Ambassador, speaker, + host of the reDefine Show, Tamara Lackey.

The Angry Millennial
Ep84: Tamara Lackey
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Tamara is the recipient of the 2015 WPPI/Rangefinder Humanitarian Award for her work as co-founder of Beautiful Together, a non-profit supporting orphaned children living in challenging situations. Her first instructional book for professionals, The Art of Children’s Portrait Photography, has been translated into seven languages. Her latest books are Envisioning Family: A Photographer’s Guide to Making Meaningful Portraits of the Modern Family and The Posing Playbook, a children's posing guide.

We chat about how we met at WPPI, her studying Art History + Broadcast Journalism in college, the importance of her business chops coming from her first job out of college helped her photo work, her work with Heart Gallery + the world of adoption including her own adopted children, being part of Nikon's Behind The Scenes Series, being a CreativeLive alumni across various programs,  and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.

This episode is brought to you by:

BorrowLenses's mission is to advance the photographic and cinematic dreams of their customers by delivering superior, cutting-edge gear and providing exceptional customer service. Rent, shoot, return - it's as easy as that. You choose what you want, when you want to receive it, and for how long you want to rent it for. They ship the gear directly to you, or to one of their many convenient pick-up locations.


Ep80: Colin Smith of PhotoshopCAFE

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with PhotoshopCAFE Founder and aerial photographer, Colin Smith.

The Angry Millennial
Ep80: Colin Smith of PhotoshopCAFE
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Colin is a Photoshop guru starting out as a graphic designer to aerial photographer + author of over 19 books. Colin is a regular columnist for Photoshop User Magazine. He's been featured as a speaker at major industry events including WPPI, Siggraph, PMAI and Flash Forward.

We chat about how we met randomly in line at WPPI, being part of WPPI so early on during Skip Cohen's tenure, his early teaching days with teaching photographers how to transition from film to digital, his early start as in with Voice magazine, being a CreativeLive alumni from the very early days, and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

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Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep74: Dixie Dixon

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with Nikon Ambassador, speaker, + commercial fashion photographer, Dixie Dixon.

The Angry Millennial
Ep74: Dixie Dixon
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Dixie Dixon is quite an amazing testament to how hard work, shooting all the time, and networking can catapult your career like hers has in just six short years. After winning a contest in college to go to WPPI on a scholarship, she met with the Head of Marketing of Nikon, which led to her shooting a camera campaign for them shortly after and later becoming a Nikon Ambassador.

We chat about her involvement in the latest Nikon D5 campaign, how studying aboard in London through a Syracuse University program and assisting some of the European greats helped launch her career. Like most AM guests, Dixie has been on CreativeLive for fashion lighting as she grew a following around her style work. We talk about how through a commercial career you quickly realize how to give honest upfront feedback to your team to make sure no one wastes their time and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.

This episode is brought to you by:

BorrowLenses's mission is to advance the photographic and cinematic dreams of their customers by delivering superior, cutting-edge gear and providing exceptional customer service. Rent, shoot, return - it's as easy as that. You choose what you want, when you want to receive it, and for how long you want to rent it for. They ship the gear directly to you, or to one of their many convenient pick-up locations. 


Ep54: Skip Cohen

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're chatting with President + Founder of Skip Cohen University + photo industry journeyman, Skip Cohen.

The Angry Millennial
Ep54: Skip Cohen
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In this episode, we chat about struggles with school and staying in college, his long journey of a career from working at Polaroid washing bottles in their research lab, to working his way up through customer service to soon get an offer to become the President + CEO of Hasselblad, then moving onto Rangefinder Publishing, Inc. overseeing Rangefinder Magazine as well as the ever-growing WPPI show in Vegas. Like many past guests, Skip is also a CreativeLive alumni from 2012, why other creatives should never be your competition, what it was like co-authoring over 6 different books and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


This episode is brought to you by:

BorrowLenses's mission is to advance the photographic and cinematic dreams of their customers by delivering superior, cutting-edge gear and providing exceptional customer service. Rent, shoot, return - it's as easy as that. You choose what you want, when you want to receive it, and for how long you want to rent it for. They ship the gear directly to you, or to one of their many convenient pick-up locations.


Ep45: WPPI Recap + #AskGaryVee Speaking Engagement

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we chat about the craziness that was WPPI + the book review for #AskGaryVee.

The Angry Millennial
Ep45: WPPI Recap and AskGaryVee Event
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Jessica helps co-host this episode where we chat about walking 26 miles during the four days in Vegas, the key takeaways from each of our Podcast & Chill episodes from WPPI (sorrryyy Nino!), how it turned out Jessica CAME WITH ME to Vegas - remember our last Thursday episode?, the great meetings we had in Vegas that could bring some new amazing sponsors to the show, how my book review 'Don't Waste Your Time Reading #AskGaryVee' got Gary's attention, how horrible Spirit Airlines is, that now Jessica is considering a voice over work, and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Now, here's the important part - if you're a fan of the show, you're most likely a fan of Gary Vaynerchuck as well. With that in mind, we invite you to join us on April 19th, for an event by RECN: Gary Vaynerchuk + David Osborn at the University of Maryland. If you're planning on attending, drop us a note and we can arrange you to get a discount with us.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.

When your jabs land on the person's radar.

When your jabs land on the person's radar.


Ep43: WPPI + Nino Batista

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're recording from WPPI in Vegas, chatting with glamour photographer + host of Backyard TV, Nino Batista.

The Angry Millennial
Ep43: WPPI + Nino Batista
0:00 / 0:00

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In this episode, we chat about running workshops at WPPI every year but never walking into the expo, growing up with a photographer/musician father, being yet another graphic designer turned photographer at 35, developing his YouTube channel for retouching tutorials + interviews, what it's like working out of Texas with his work, finally seeing the light after ignoring personal projects for years, how he'd love to hear us chat with Erik Almas, and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep42: WPPI + Zach Sutton

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're recording from WPPI in Vegas, chatting with Profoto sponsored editorial + commercial photographer, Zach Sutton

The Angry Millennial
Ep42: WPPI + Zach Sutton
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In this episode, we chat about his love for moving to new markets every few years to keep his portfolio fresh, his upcoming trip to the Philippines, being a drawing prodigy early on in life, the feeling all photographers feel after a few years about wanting to give back, the amazing story of Zach giving me $100 bill to network at Photo Plus in NYC last year, the patience behind attracting sponsors to seem like an overnight success and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep41: WPPI + Alexis Cuarezma

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're recording from WPPI in Vegas, chatting with editorial + commercial sports portrait photographer, Alexis Cuarezma.

The Angry Millennial
Ep41: WPPI Alexis Cuarezma
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In this episode, we chat about the importance of networking and getting in front of people's faces, going from being a double major in college to dropping out with a semester left, how persistence + patience landed him work with HBO + Sports Illustrated shooting Mayweather & Pacquiao and the US Women's Soccer Team respectively, how to implement aggressive patience, long term relationships working with BorrowLenses ending up in a spotlight piece, shooting for the jobs you want not the jobs you're getting, what it's like to shoot multiple lighting setups at once with syncing sorcery, and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

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Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep40: WPPI + Joe Buissink

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're recording from WPPI in Vegas, chatting with wedding photographer + Canon Explorer of Light, Joe Buissink.

The Angry Millennial
Ep40: WPPI Joe Buissink
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In this episode, we chat about his transition from a recording label executive to getting his PhD in psychology to a wedding photographer late in life at 45 years of age, what it's like to then receive Lifetime Achievement Awards for his work, how he uses Jedi-mind tricks to make himself the 2nd shooter on all his weddings to make sure he shoots what he wants, shooting Annie Leibovitz's sister's wedding only a year into his career, how taking a wedding for next to nothing ended up being his most amazing wedding he's ever shot and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep39: WPPI + Mike Allebach

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we're recording from WPPI in Vegas, chatting with wedding/portrait photographer, Mike Allebach.

The Angry Millennial
Ep39: WPPI Mike Allebach
0:00 / 0:00

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In this episode, we chat about transitioning from a graphic designer to photographer, the importance of owning your story, dealing with having premature twin boys, becoming a better business person as a photographer, empowering people through his bodyscape series, the ever fun talks about photography and profits, asking the tough questions with clients to get to know them more, making for a better experience and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep37: WPPI Here We Come

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we chat about the crazy coming week and trip we’ve been planning for.

Jessica helps co-host this episode where we chat about what’s going on at WPPI, 'rubbing shoulders' with people in Vegas, booping Peter Hurley on the nose, the usual stress + anxiety before big trips for your business, the difficulty of parents traveling when you have two kids, how Jessica will NOT binge-watch X-Files while I'm gone, finalizing my review of the #AskGaryVee book by Gary Vaynerchuk, what seasons of the X-Files were the best and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

The Angry Millennial
Ep37: WPPI Here We Come
0:00 / 0:00

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Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.


Ep35: WPPI + #AskGaryVee

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we chat about things upcoming + a book review.

Jessica helps co-host this episode where we chat about a job interview, my new baby beard, the upcoming WPPI trip to Vegas, getting an early copy of the #AskGaryVee book by Gary Vaynerchuk to review, apparently how I have Kim K cry face + Jess has Claire Danes cry face, opening up to family and more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

The Angry Millennial
Ep35: WPPI + #AskGaryVee
0:00 / 0:00

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Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.