
Ep34: Bela Shehu

On this episode of The Angry Millennial, we chat with NINObrand fashion founder, Bela Shehu, formerly of Albania, based out of Philadelphia.

The Angry Millennial
Ep34: Bela Shehu
0:00 / 0:00

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In this episode, we chat about her beginnings in Albania, living as a creative in a communist country, coming to the States at 17 years of age alone, what is was like coming to the States thinking Beverly Hills 90210 was really how the US was, seeing Philadelphia change since arriving in 1997, how she sees Philadelphia as a great incubator for entrepreneurs, deconstructing the feelings we feel with regards to failure, and lots more on this episode of The Angry Millennial.

Remember to always use #theangrymillennial on social media + follow @millennialangry on Twitter to ask any questions you'd like any of the upcoming guests to answer during the show.